0,00 €

DaCapo rechargeable battery for MED-EL Opus 2

147,40 €
/ uds.
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14 días para devolución sencilla
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The DaCapo is a rechargeable battery for use with MED-EL OPUS 2 processors. Each DaCapo PowerPack has a charging time of less than four hours and provides 10–12 hours of continuous operation.

The DaCapo rechargeable battery system makes the audio processor even lighter and reduces daily operating costs by eliminating the need to purchase disposable batteries. It allows a 'greener' lifestyle by reducing the number of zinc air batteries in our landfills.


  • Rechargable lithium ion battery
  • 3.7V nominal voltage
  • Charging time <4hous
  • Cycle life typically 500 charging cycles

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Hearing device
Tipo de producto
Baterías recargables
24 meses
24 meses
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