0,00 €

WaterWear for MED-EL Rondo 2

65,20 €
/ uds.
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14 días para devolución sencilla
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Original MED-EL WaterWear accessory for Rondo 2 sound processor.

Waterwear accessory is a fully waterproof cover for your Rondo 2, it can be used in chlorinated, fresh or salt water so it is suitable for bathing, swimming or other water sports. Its lightweight design does not affect the sound quality.

The set contains 3 swimming covers and 9 disposable closing stickers. One cover can be used three times, which means that the entire packaging is intended for 9 uses. The product is factory-closed and not refundable. The seller is not responsible for incorrect use, which results in the processor getting wet.


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Hearing device
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24 meses
24 meses
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