0,00 €

Funda protectora de silicona para procesador Cochlear Kanso 2 - blanco

  • Protective silicone protective case for the audio processor.
31,50 €
/ uds.
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14 días para devolución sencilla
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Protective case for the Cochlear Kanso 2 audio processor.

Are you worried that you might damage or lose your audio processor? We have a solution for that.

The silicone protective case, similar to a mobile phone cases, protects the audio processor against scratches and damage due to falling. With the additional use of hair and clothing hooks from SmartEar, it protects the hearing device from potential loss. This solution is especially recommended for parents of children with hearing loss.

What are the features and benefits of the audio processor protective case?

  • Perfectly fitted

Flexible and soft silicone material is designed to adhere tightly to the processor, keeping the microphones uncovered.

  • The right temperature

Special round holes around the housing keep the processor at the right temperature, which allows it to function properly.

  • Compatible with SmartEAR hooks

Possibility to equip with a hair or clothes hook. Possibility to equip with a hair or clothes hanger. Optionally, the case with a hook will additionally protect the sound processor against possible fall or loss.

Compatible accessories:

  • single clip-on hook for attaching to clothing, click HERE
  • double clip-on hook for attaching to clothing, click HERE.
  • single hairpin hook, click HERE.
  • single hair clip hook, click HERE.


Use a silicone case and feel free and safe!

Información adicional
Dispositivo auditivo
Tipo de producto
Fundas de silicona
24 meses
24 meses
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Opiniones confiables IdoShell
4.83 / 5.00 818 reviews
Opiniones confiables IdoShell
Ich finde es ganz toll, dass es bunte Aufkleber für CI und Hörgeräte gibt. Mein Sohn trägt beides. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank
Very good

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